February 20, 2013

can't wait for summer.

so, i must say - i do love winter. i love living in a place where i can enjoy 4 distinct seasons, it's really something special. winter is fine by me but i am just about ready for it to be over. i have been dreaming about summer time and all the fun things that take place during the sunny season.

reasons why i'm looking forward to summer :

pink lemonade // summer dresses // sunglasses // pastel colours // fresh flowers //
white wine // hangouts on our balcony // BBQ'S // pool parties // picnics // bike rides //
iced coffee // birthday parties // fresh fruits & veggies // bright coloured nails //
popsicles // after dinner walks // drinks on the patio // caesars // cottage weekends //
photo shoots // road trips // wavey hair // flip-flops // rainy days // catching up with old friends // frolicking in fields of daisies // gigglin, snugglin, cuddlin'


  1. after reading these things, I'm ready for it to be summer. like, now. pink lemonade just isn't acceptable any other season.

  2. Now I want it to be summer too! You make it sound so dreamy :).

  3. Oh man, do I agree! This Minnesota winter has had way too many sub-zero wind chills. Bring on the hot sun!

    1. oh my! toronto has been the worst this winter, it's been sooo cold! i am so ready!

  4. Yknow I was just thinking about this the other day and busted out the neon pink nail polish!

  5. I'm so happy I found this blog! I live in Toronto too and just started blogging recently. I love Toronto and really want to show it off to the rest of the blogging world and your blog has truly inspired me to follow that dream and do so!


  6. I wish I had a winter in south Texas but I can't complain. I miss floating on the river in summer, my favorite summer activity for sure!

  7. Such a nice post, I'm feeling very excited for summer right now :)

    Charlotte xx

  8. I am so ready for Summer! Especially the Summer we had last year here in Toronto...it was prefect!!


you are so cute! thanks for commenting:)