May 19, 2013

I'm in Paris! Guest Post # 4 - Samantha from Of Madness and I!

Hey there LOAC readers!
My name is Samantha and I blog over at Madness And I and I have been lucky enough to be able to do a little guest post for Jules, while she is away in Paris!!!

Jules is so very lucky to be away in Paris right now and I am so very jealous!!! Her recent posts about her trip have made me yearn to travel and now all I can think about is travelling!!! I've travelled quite a bit for my age, but there are so many more places I want to go! Here are a few places that I'm dying to visit!

Paris, of course! I've dreamt about going for years and years and years.

Stockholm, Sweden! It's such a beautiful place with such an interesting culture.

Vienna! It's just so beautiful!

Prague! I don't know all that much about Prague, but I'd love to learn and I would love to visit!

Bern, Switzerland. Another place that is just so very beautiful and so very intriguing.

Edinburgh, Scotland! I have never considered Scotland as a place I'd love to go, but recently I have been doing more research and found some beautiful photos and now I really want to visit!

Egypt! Ah, Egypt!!! I have loved Egypt since I was a little girl, and I loved learning about it's unique culture. This is another place I have dreamed about visiting!!!

Seoul, South Korea! Recently I have been learning a lot about South Korea, and eating a lot of Korean food (YUM!) and I would love to visit there someday!

Manhattan! NYC has been the number one place I have wanted to travel to for as long as I can remember. It is so beautiful and magical and I can't wait till I get the chance to travel there.

Manhattan in 1964! I might've said that NYC was the number one place that I'd love to visit, but one other place tops it. If I could travel anywhere, and if time travel were possible, I would love to visit New York in the 60s. Sure, it's a fairly lofty goal, but I keep it on my list because it really would be the greatest!


Thanks for having me Jules! I hope she is having the most amazing time in Paris and I can't wait to see heaps and heaps of photos when she comes back!

1 comment:

  1. Glad I'm not the only one who wishes time travel were possible, New York in the 60s would be my dream come true!!


you are so cute! thanks for commenting:)