June 10, 2013

celebrating love.

today is my 5 year anniversary with my boyfriend pete!
i can't believe it's been 5 years. i have never felt so happy // lucky :)
pete is the best guy in the world. no, really! he is.
i could go on & on & on, but i will just name a few reasons why pete rules at life:

-he's so funny! + alwaaaays makes me laugh
- such a babe. total babe. all day, always.
- he likes going on adventures 
- he is an awesome cook, and makes delicious things
- everyone who ever meets him adores him
- he is so patient, even when i am being difficult 
- he has the cutest laugh and smile
- he plays guitar (while i melt)
- he is so smart
- he embraces me and my love for all things cute, cupcake, sparkly, and polka dotted

my heart is so full. i look forward to every moment spent with this babe! i can't wait to have so many adventures and amazing times with pete. life is good. LOVE is good! ♥


  1. Seriously lovely photos! Absolutely gorgeous and congratulations! x

  2. Woo! You two are so cute. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

    Now, let's hang out!!! Hahaha.

  3. So sweet! You two are adorable. Happy anniversary!


you are so cute! thanks for commenting:)