August 21, 2013

that time i had the BEST birthday ever

guys, i'm 29. WOAH! - when did that happen?
i must say, i really don't feel my age at all. which i've learned is totally fine. the main thing is that i am REALLY happy! like, the happiest. the past 6 months have been next level amazing, and after one incredible thing happens, another follows!

so last friday (august 16th) was my birthday! & for the past 3 or 4 months i've known that i would be away for a conference weekend for work. i know, i know - you're thinking "that sucks!" but actually, it's like absolute perfection! if you haven't heard me talk about it before, i LOVE my job. i have a special post in the works all about loving your job so i will save the gushing for that!

but what i will say is that i think this was probably the best birthday i have ever had. it was just the greatest feeling to feel the love! from the moment i woke up i had texts, phone calls, and comments wishing me a happy birthday. as soon as i got to work while everyone was outside they sang to me in the middle of queen street! 

when i got on the bus, i got a birthday presentation from my friend val who gave me a birthday button, crown and wand! throughout the day on the way to camp and upon arrival i got sang to SO many times! it was so cute! honestly best co-workers and friends ever! i was showered with well wishes, gifts, cards (one in particular with the NICEST messages ever) *sigh* so wonderful!

i spent my day on crazy inflatable obstacles in the middle of the lake, playing beach volleyball, watching the sunset, having laughs, lighting friendship lanterns, a karaoke party, camp fire etc! so much love! :)

one of the most special moments of the day was when an amazing friend had everyone at camp sing happy birthday to me! NICEST HUMANS EVER. // i even said a speech! (lol)

the moral of the story is, i am a very lucky girl who appreciates all of the incredible people in my life SO much! my heart is so full ♥ LIFE RULES!

&& here are a few snaps from my special day//weekend!

here is me on my birthday (very smiley);

this is what my (free) morning coffee looked like! how cute, right?;

i sat on the dock at camp with an awesome pal and watched this unreal sunset!;
this was sunday night when i got home & opened my birthday gifts from pete! tambourine!;
pete went back to the antique market & got me this vintage radio! (& mason jar!);
my wonderful boy spoiled me once again!!! ;


  1. Hope you had a very merry birthday!

  2. Looks like you had a great birthday :)

  3. I loved your birthday so much it felt like MY BIRTHDAY!

  4. amazing gifts!! love the canadiana jar!

  5. Sounds wonderful!!! Happy (belated!) birthday!!


you are so cute! thanks for commenting:)